Stanford STATS191 in Python, Lecture 15 : Poisson Regression

Mon 25 May 2020

Filed under scipy

Tags statistics scipy statsmodels

Stanford Stats 191


This is a re-creation of the Stanford Stats 191 course, using Python eco-system tools, instead of R. This is lecture "Poisson: " ( see )

In this notebook, we look at modelling count data. The model is that of a Poisson process, where events occur in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a constant mean rate and independently of the time since the last event. The probability we get x events in a unit time is shown below

$$P(X=x)=\dfrac{\lambda^x e^{-\lambda}}{x!}\qquad x=0,1,2,\ldots$$

Initial Notebook Setup

watermark documents the Python and package environment, black is my chosen Python formatter

In [2]:
%load_ext watermark
In [3]:
%reload_ext lab_black
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [66]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sn

import math

import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.formula.api import logit
from statsmodels.formula.api import probit
from statsmodels.formula.api import glm

import statsmodels.api as sm

from scipy import stats

import os

Simple Contingency Table

We wish to test if Males and Females answer a question differently

First, create a pandas dataframe from the survey data

In [33]:
data_dict = {'Y': [435, 375], 'N': [147, 134]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
0 435 147
1 375 134

Give names to vertical and horizontal indexes

In [34]:
df.index = pd.Index(['M', 'F'], name='Gender')
df.columns = pd.Index(['Y', 'N'], name='Response')
In [35]:
Response Y N
M 435 147
F 375 134

Get the data as a numpy array, and then process with the Table object

In [42]:
tab0 = np.asarray([df['Y'], df['N']])
In [43]:
array([[435, 375],
       [147, 134]], dtype=int64)
In [48]:
tab1 = sm.stats.Table(tab0.T)
In [49]:
A 2x2 contingency table with counts:
[[435. 147.]
 [375. 134.]]
In [56]:
array([[435, 147],
       [375, 134]], dtype=int64)
In [58]:
array([[432.09899175, 149.90100825],
       [377.90100825, 131.09899175]])

Show the contributions to the Chi-squared statistic

In [59]:
array([[0.01947667, 0.05614271],
       [0.02226998, 0.06419461]])

Assess the indepedence between rows and columns (both as nominal and ordinal variables)

In [62]:
df          1
pvalue      0.6872450563829144
statistic   0.16208397298431804
In [63]:
null_mean   131.09899175068745
null_sd     7.209050259693882
pvalue      0.6873808486214543
statistic   134.0
zscore      0.4024119883769182

Get the Chi-squared value; we see that it is quiet likely that we would get the observed value by chance

In [69]:
tab1_chi2 = sum(sum(tab1.chi2_contribs))
In [95]:
1 - stats.chi2.cdf(tab1_chi2, 1)
In [71]:

I found the Chi-squared curve for degree-of-freedom = 1 to be quiet counter-intuitive. It was only when I plotted out the PDF and CDF, that I realized that a lot of the probability mass is concentrated near zero

In [94]:
x = list(np.linspace(0.01, 2, 1000))
y = [stats.chi2.pdf(x1, 1) for x1 in x]
y2 = [stats.chi2.cdf(x1, 1) for x1 in x]
_ = plt.yscale('log')
_ = plt.plot(x, y, 'r-', label='Chi2 PDF')
_ = plt.plot(x, y2, 'g:', label='Chi2 CDF')
_ = plt.axvline(tab1_chi2, color='green', label='Observed')
_ = plt.legend(loc='best')

statsmodels also has a specific Object for 2 by 2 tables, as below

In [52]:
tab2 = sm.stats.Table2x2(tab0.T)
In [54]:
Estimate SE LCB UCB p-value
Odds ratio 1.057 0.806 1.388 0.687
Log odds ratio 0.056 0.139 -0.216 0.328 0.687
Risk ratio 1.015 0.946 1.088 0.688
Log risk ratio 0.014 0.036 -0.056 0.085 0.688


scipy also has Chi-squared analysis methods, that are a little more advanced than statsmodels, in that they offer a variety of correction methods to estimate Chi-squared

With Yates correction

In [105]:
chi2, p_value, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(
print(f' chi2 = {chi2}, P value = {p_value}')
 chi2 = 0.1110272160868229, P value = 0.7389776820172238

Without Yates correction

In [107]:
chi2, p_value, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(
    tab0.T, correction=False
print(f' chi2 = {chi2}, P value = {p_value}')
 chi2 = 0.1620839729843177, P value = 0.6872450563829149
In [103]:
odds_ratio, p_value = stats.fisher_exact(tab0.T)

Poisson Regression

We can also treat this as a case of regression, where we assume the rate of Y or N answers might depend upon gender

We build a dataframe with the data, one row per observation

In [108]:
data_dict2 = {
    'Y': [435, 147, 375, 134],
    'S': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'F'],
    'B': ['Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N'],
In [110]:
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data_dict2)
0 435 M Y
1 147 M N
2 375 F Y
3 134 F N

Now fit a Poisson model. We get the same Chi-squared value as before

In [111]:
res = glm(
    'Y ~ S + B', data=df2, family=sm.families.Poisson()
In [112]:
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Y No. Observations: 4
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 1
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 2
Link Function: log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -14.704
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 Deviance: 0.16200
Time: 20:33:01 Pearson chi2: 0.162
No. Iterations: 4 Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 4.8760 0.068 71.839 0.000 4.743 5.009
S[T.M] 0.1340 0.061 2.208 0.027 0.015 0.253
B[T.Y] 1.0587 0.069 15.291 0.000 0.923 1.194
In [115]:
0    432.098992
1    149.901008
2    377.901008
3    131.098992
dtype: float64

Lumber Dataset

Finally, we look at a dataset, relating to customers travelling to a lumber store from different regions

Column Definition
Customers number of customers visting store from region
Housing number of housing units in region
Income average household income
Age average housing unit age in region
Competitor distance to nearest competitor
Store distance to store in miles.

Read and Explore Dataset

In [118]:
lumber = pd.read_fwf(
    '../data/lumber.txt', widths=[2, 6, 8, 4, 6, 6]
lumber.columns = [
In [119]:
Customers Housing Income Age Competitor Store
0 9 606 41393 3 3.04 6.32
1 6 641 23635 18 1.95 8.89
2 28 505 55475 27 6.54 2.05
3 11 866 64646 31 1.67 5.81
4 4 599 31972 7 0.72 8.11

Perform a Poisson Regression, using the Generalized Linear Model formula interface

In [120]:
res2 = glm(
    'Customers ~ Housing + Income + Age + Competitor + Store',

Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Customers No. Observations: 110
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 104
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 5
Link Function: log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -279.51
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 Deviance: 114.99
Time: 20:45:16 Pearson chi2: 102.
No. Iterations: 4 Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 2.9424 0.207 14.198 0.000 2.536 3.349
Housing 0.0006 0.000 4.262 0.000 0.000 0.001
Income -1.169e-05 2.11e-06 -5.534 0.000 -1.58e-05 -7.55e-06
Age -0.0037 0.002 -2.091 0.037 -0.007 -0.000
Competitor 0.1684 0.026 6.534 0.000 0.118 0.219
Store -0.1288 0.016 -7.948 0.000 -0.161 -0.097

Show AIC value matches STATS191 notes

In [121]:

Plot the Residuals against Fitted Values (seems OK)

In [126]:
_ = plt.plot(
    lumber['Customers'] - res2.fittedvalues,

We can also use the Object interface, but have to specify regularized fitting

In [145]:
y = np.array(lumber['Customers'])

x = np.array(
        ['Housing', 'Income', 'Age', 'Competitor', 'Store']
X = sm.add_constant(x)
In [149]:
res3 = sm.Poisson(y, X).fit_regularized()
Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: 2.5410194156558066
            Iterations: 17
            Function evaluations: 39
            Gradient evaluations: 17
In [150]:
Poisson Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y No. Observations: 110
Model: Poisson Df Residuals: 104
Method: MLE Df Model: 5
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.3547
Time: 21:11:48 Log-Likelihood: -279.51
converged: True LL-Null: -433.13
LLR p-value: 2.789e-64
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const 2.9424 0.207 14.198 0.000 2.536 3.349
x1 0.0006 0.000 4.262 0.000 0.000 0.001
x2 -1.169e-05 2.11e-06 -5.534 0.000 -1.58e-05 -7.55e-06
x3 -0.0037 0.002 -2.091 0.037 -0.007 -0.000
x4 0.1684 0.026 6.534 0.000 0.118 0.219
x5 -0.1288 0.016 -7.948 0.000 -0.161 -0.097
In [152]:
Model: Poisson Pseudo R-squared: 0.355
Dependent Variable: y AIC: 571.0243
Date: 2020-05-22 21:15 BIC: 587.2272
No. Observations: 110 Log-Likelihood: -279.51
Df Model: 5 LL-Null: -433.13
Df Residuals: 104 LLR p-value: 2.7887e-64
Converged: 1.0000 Scale: 1.0000
No. Iterations: 17.0000
Coef. Std.Err. z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const 2.9424 0.2072 14.1977 0.0000 2.5362 3.3486
x1 0.0006 0.0001 4.2623 0.0000 0.0003 0.0009
x2 -0.0000 0.0000 -5.5340 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
x3 -0.0037 0.0018 -2.0913 0.0365 -0.0072 -0.0002
x4 0.1684 0.0258 6.5343 0.0000 0.1179 0.2189
x5 -0.1288 0.0162 -7.9481 0.0000 -0.1605 -0.0970

The bare-bones call to the Poisson object fails. I don't really know why this interface fails

In [166]:
res4 = sm.Poisson(y, X).fit()
Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.
         Current function value: 29876812607532474166702938553126939000832.000000
         Iterations: 35
D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\ ConvergenceWarning: Maximum Likelihood optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals
  "Check mle_retvals", ConvergenceWarning)


This concludes my sweep through the STATS191 lecture notes, and I must say that I have learned a lot. Obviously I would have to learn a lot more to be even close to being a statistician, and I suspect that analysing hundreds of datasets would be needed to gain a deep understanding of strengths and weaknesses of the various techniques


In [218]:
%watermark -h -iv
seaborn     0.9.0
matplotlib  3.0.2
numpy       1.15.4
statsmodels 0.9.0
pandas      1.0.0
scipy       1.1.0
host name: DESKTOP-SODFUN6

CPython 3.7.1
IPython 7.2.0

compiler   : MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)
system     : Windows
release    : 10
machine    : AMD64
processor  : Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU cores  : 8
interpreter: 64bit
In [219]:


Installed: 0.9.0 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\statsmodels)

Required Dependencies

cython: 0.29.2 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\Cython)
numpy: 1.15.4 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\numpy)
scipy: 1.1.0 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\scipy)
pandas: 1.0.0 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\pandas)
    dateutil: 2.7.5 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\dateutil)
patsy: 0.5.1 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\patsy)

Optional Dependencies

matplotlib: 3.0.2 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\matplotlib)
    backend: module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline 
cvxopt: Not installed
joblib: 0.13.2 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\joblib)

Developer Tools

IPython: 7.2.0 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\IPython)
    jinja2: 2.10.1 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\jinja2)
sphinx: 1.8.2 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\sphinx)
    pygments: 2.3.1 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\pygments)
nose: 1.3.7 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages\nose)
pytest: 5.0.1 (D:\Anaconda3\envs\ac5-py37\lib\site-packages)
virtualenv: Not installed

In [ ]:

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