Introduction to Cartopy

Wed 22 February 2017

Filed under Cartopy

Tags python cartopy


Cartopy is a different style of beast than Basemap. With Basemap, you explicitly create a map object, and use the methods exposed by that object to plot map-related data, or to translate lat/lons to Axes coordinates (depending upon the projection you chose when the map was created). With cartopy, my mental model is that you tell Matplotlib that you want a Cartopy-aware Axes object (by specifying a projection argument when the Axes is created). Subsequent operations on that Axes object invoke Cartopy 'under-the-blanket'.

A small example:

    ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

yields a map that looks like:

Cartopy Hello World

And by the way, if you use Cartopy a lot, you will come to know and love the PlateCarree projection. I had never even heard of it by that name before, but I guess that using a French name adds that extra little bit of class!

Read about it here

So far, so like Basemap. One area where Cartopy shines for me, is in the support of raster mapping. As an example, I'll take a small area around where I live, and show how various images can be overlayed over the vector coastline data.

Cartopy comes with a 'stock image' that provides a soothing land/water visual indication; a bit fuzzy, but still nice to look at. Bear in mind that I am zoomed in a long way, beyond the design parameters for stock_img(). I am plotting the coastlines at 1:10Million scale. The code:

    ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
    ax.set_extent((150, 155, -30, -23))
    ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, xlocs=[150, 152, 154, 155])

gives us a map that looks like:

Cartopy Hello World

We can add some more vector data to overlay the stcok image by added the code below. Cartopy provides easy access to Natural Earth datasets. Note the facecolor='none' in the definition of states_provinces; I just want to plot the borders of Queensland, not shade it a color.

    # Create a feature for States/Admin 1 regions at 1:10m from Natural Earth
    states_provinces = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(

    rivers = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(

    ax.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor='gray')
    ax.add_feature(rivers, edgecolor='blue')

This gives us a map that looks like:

Cartopy SQ Qld

One small niggling worry is that I only specified the projection I am using once (by the projection=ccrs.PlateCarree() parameter in the Axes creation). I don't know whether this only works because Natural Earth also uses PlateCarree as its default projection, or if because Cartopy re-projects all the feature data under-the-hood. I plan to do some experiments in the future, but for my purposes, PlateCarree is fine (I am zoomed in a long way).

In order to plot geo-data in all the current cultural context, Cartopy allows easy access to Open Street Map (OSM) tiles. The code below:

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))

    imagery = OSM()

    ax = plt.axes(, )
    ax.set_extent(( 153, 153.2, -26.6, -26.4))

    # Add the imagery to the map.
    zoom = 12
    ax.add_image(imagery, zoom)

    plt.title('Open Street Map and Cartopy')

gives us:

Cartopy OSM

One point to note is the zoom parameter in the add_image() call. This sets the level of detail that OSM returns. I am sure that there is an algorithm that determins the best value, given the extent of the map, but I too lazy to pursue to (I just experimented till I got the right level of detail). The zoom parameter is not well documented in the Cartopy User Guide (in my opinion). If you set an OSM zoom too big, you can't read the raster text; too small, and everything is fuzzy.

I'll wind this post up here, but there is more Cartopy goodness to come. Just for completeness, here are the imports for all the code above (and some code to come) (some are used only to support print-outs that define the environment for reproducibility purposes) :

    # all imports should go here

    import sys
    import os
    import subprocess
    import datetime
    import platform

    import pandas as pd      
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import as ccrs
    from import OSM
    import cartopy.feature as cfeature
    from import shapereader
    from import StamenTerrain
    from import GoogleTiles
    from owslib.wmts import WebMapTileService

    from matplotlib.path import Path
    import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
    import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

    import numpy as np

The notebook that has all the code is here

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